Bod Pod Weight Chart

*Applies to adults ages 18 and older. Based on information from the American College of Sports Medicine, the American Council on Exercise, Exercise Physiology [fourth Ed] by McArdle, Katch, and Katch, and various scientific and epidemiological studies.
  • Risky (high body fat): Too much body fat can pose serious health risks. Ask your health care professional about how to safely modify your body composition.
  • Excess Fat: Indicates an excess accumulation of fat over time.
  • Moderately Lean: Fat level is acceptable for good health.
  • Lean: Lower body fat levels than many people. This range is excellent for health and longevity.
  • Ultra Lean: Fat levels sometimes found in elite athletes.
  • Risky (low body fat): Too little body fat can present health risks, especially for women. If in doubt, check with your health care professional.

Body Fat: A certain amount of fat is absolutely necessary for good health. Fat plays an important role in protecting internal organs, providing energy, and regulating hormones. For men, the minimal amount of “essential fat” is approximately 3-5%. For women, “essential fat” is approximately 12-15%. If too much fat accumulates over the years, health may be compromised.

Lean Mass: Lean mass is everything except the fat. It includes muscle, water, bone, and internal organs. Muscle is the “metabolic engine” of the body that burns calories (fat) and plays an important role in maintaining strength and energy. Healthy levels of lean mass contribute to physical fitness and may prevent conditions such as osteoporosis.

What if I am claustrophobic?

Many people are concerned about being in the POD; however, there is an extremely large window that allows for peripheral vision and a voice that assures you while you are sitting for the test. Should you decide to end the test early, there is a “cancel test” button that allows you to end the test and exit the POD.

Why is it important to wear proper clothing

The BOD POD takes very accurate measurements of your weight and volume (the size of your body). Anything that is not “you” – including clothing, jewelry, or eyeglasses – can produce inaccurate results. This is why it is VERY IMPORTANT you wear minimal, form-fitting clothing such as a Lycra or Spandex® swimsuit. Single-layer compression shorts and/or lightweight jog bras are also acceptable clothing (without padding or wires). A swim cap must also be worn to compress any air pockets within the hair.

How long does it take?

A complete test, including printed results, can be accomplished in about 5 minutes.

What Can I expect during a Bod Pod Test?

Testing in the BOD POD is quick and easy. The process only requires that the person being tested sit quietly in the BOD POD for the brief measurement period (no talking or laughing). You may hear sounds relating to valves opening and closing or the hum of a fan during the procedure. However, no pressure changes will be felt and difficult breathing maneuvers are not required.

How big of a person can fit in the Bod Pod?

The BOD POD is designed to accommodate a wide variety of human shapes and sizes. With its generous-sized interior and oversized window, NFL and NBA teams, sumo wrestlers, and people weighing up to 500 lbs. use the BOD POD routinely.

Can I test after exercising?

No, you should wait at least two hours after exercising. The person being tested in the BOD POD should always be in a completely relaxed state.

What is considered a healthy body fat range?

The desirable percent body fat range for men is between 5% and 20%, and for women, 15% to 30%. Men with more than 20% body fat, and women with more than 30%, are considered over-fat and possibly at risk for disease.

How often should a person’s composition be measured?

Measuring body composition every one to three months is recommended.

How can people change their body composition?

Since body composition is measured by comparing the relative amounts of lean body mass and body fat, a change in either one affects the body composition percentage. People can positively change their body composition by reducing body fat, increasing lean muscle tissue – or both. A program consisting of a low-fat diet, moderate resistance training and aerobic activity will build muscle tissue while reducing body fat. But the only way to assess the situation and take the right steps to better health is through accurate body composition analysis.